Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wartime Behavior

Its almost time for the Opening Ceremonies!

The facebook invite went out this morning, and the sms invite will go out this evening.  I apologize to any readers who didn't get an invite, it means I either don't know you or maybe you're out of town and so I didn't pass it along?  

So. I have an exciting announcement to make.  

First off, we are getting closer to having our menu dialed in.  For anyone that doesn't know Ted or myself, for off-the-street generally pretty devil-may-care types, but when we go in to make something, if we don't think we're hitting the mark, we'll stay up for days until we can get it right.  The Winter Sports menu should reflect that: half the drinks will be straight up good gin and strong vodka in tonics and sodas, complemented by some rocking wine selections by Chirsty and Jameson, our resident industry experts.  The other half will be house cocktail specialties-- provided we can NAIL the recipes before hand.  

And so here's the exciting part: We've got one in the bag.  Named The Wartime Behavior, the idea is that the drink should taste like the same kind of free spirited questionable judgement that people invoke during surreal times of desperate measure.   Classic passionate abandon.  In addition, the size and flavor should be evocative of wartime classics:  small and served in a shot glass to represent frugality; smooth, but with a bite, a bit like going into a trance to escape from current affairs. What we came up with captures the abandon of Henry Miller and Anais Nin in the altered state of mid-century Paris:  A shot of Courvoisier mized with a bit of St. Germain, in a glass rubbed with fresh ginger... topped off by letting a thin slice of ginger float on the surface... and sink to the bottom.

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